Super Blue Green Algae

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The next page shares the major "Similarities and Distinctions between GetWellStayWell, America! and Cell Tech." After 28 months of sharing The Algae with you, I would now like to share these similarities and distinctions. To start with, of course, I am a one-woman business with no employees and Cell Tech is a multi-huge company with many, many employees. This is a significant "Available Nerve Energy Distinction."

Regardless of our difference in size, our "Vision Statements" mirror each other closely enough for me to work with Cell Tech. And the "STANCES" we take on the most crucial issues match closely enough: Physiology, how we view "The Cause of Disease," Healthful Living Practices, Dietary Stances, and The Cell Tech Products. Cell Tech has based its Products on the truth; and that truth is reflected back through their teachings, teachings which line up with The Basis Tenets of Natural Hygiene. Of course, they are in "the sell Super Blue Green Algae Products" business as their Marketing Thrust, while GetWell's Marketing Thrust is to bring The Basic Tenets of Natural Hygiene a program based on The 10 Energy Enhancers to The People, who will help Health Revolutionize their Beloved Corners of America. I have now adopted The Algae as just 1 part of Energy Enhancer #5: The Ideal Diet.

It may be slightly interesting to you to know that until the new advertising policy of the summer of '97, Cell Tech would not let me use the term "Natural Hygiene" when talking about The Algae. After my big September of '95 mailing (which was not approved) and after I submitted my first big batch of material to Cell Tech, they told me I could not use: "Natural Hygiene" or "The Ideal Diet." Other Hygiene-oriented terms were disapproved, as well. They also refused to let me talk to or about "GetWell Friends"! I was frustrated! The Cell Tech Ads' Approvals Department


Personnel explained that they did not wish it to look like they were promoting Natural Hygiene although I could promote them. I could see their point: by the time I got done talking about The Algae it being only 1 part of our 10-point program it may very well have look like Cell Tech was promoting Natural Hygiene and GetWell, rather than the other way around! They would, however, let me use "The 10 Energy Enhancers" Thank God! After all, what health-oriented company is going to complain about Pure Air, Pure Water, and Regular Exercise! Right? Then, I found a grand "loophole." I re-registered my Distributor name under "GetWellHStayWell, America!" rather than under "Victoria BidWell" and that, at least, allowed me to address "GetWell Friends." Now, 2 years later, apparently I have been given a "Go! Go! Go!" For, as I explained, this summer, all advertising approvals' requirements on The Algae were taken off, while general guidelines were mandated. Just prior to this Cell Tech ruling, I had handed in a lengthy statement and 1 of all GetWell Publications to Daryl and Marta Kollman, the founders of Cell Tech. If they viewed the materials, they have now been formally introduced to Natural Hygiene. And now, I can talk about "Blue Green with Hygiene" without repercussions!

In closing this "PRELUDE, " I shall be most gratified when Cell Tech corrects 1 semantic misrepresentation in their presentation of The Algae. The approved literature abounds with these statements: "The Algae did this for me!" and "The Algae did that for me!" The Algae does nothing, in and of itself! It is always the body that does the doing, that performs the action. The Algae does only 1 thing, and it does so superlatively: provide HIGH nutrition!

"Why Does Victoria Endorse Super Blue Green Algae?" 14