Victoria's Answers
Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review with which is combined How to Live Orthopathy Toxemia Symbiosis Hygiene Official Organ of The American Natural Hygiene Society Herbert M. Shelton Editor and Publisher San Antonio, Texas
VOL. XVI January, 1955 No. 5 THE HYGIENIC CARE OF THE COMMON COLD By H.M. Shelton & Edited by Victoria |
Disease cannot be evolved short of a continuous cause. It should be understood by all, that an influence capable of building disease must be continuous a constant. Any continuous irritation or stimulation, any daily enervating habit, reduces Nerve Energy. This results in Enervation. When Enervation is established, elimination of waste products is checked. These waste-products are toxic and, when retained and accumulated, produce Toxemia. Essential to the building of the one and only disease, we require a continuous cause of Enervation, checking elimination of waste, which is a constant, auto-generated toxin. When this toxin is accumulated beyond systemic toleration, a toxemic crisis develops. The crisis so called "Acute Disease" is a process of compensatory or vicarious elimination. The simplest form of crisis is a cold (coryza). A cold means that the point of toxic saturation has been reached the cold reduces the amount of toxin in the blood to or below the toleration point, then spontaneously ends. It is said to be "self-limited." Its course is variable, lasting from an hour to 3 or 4 days in the average case, to 2 or more weeks in some cases. It continues until the toxic saturation is sufficiently reduced for near-normal function to be resumed. The fact that it "spontaneously ends" permits the sellers of cures "to cure the cold" with a wide variety of useless, even harmful substances and processes! It should be recognized by everyone that the cold is a remedial process and is not something to be cured. It is a purifying process. When it has ended, the body is less toxic than before its development.
A "cold" is defined as "a catarrhal fever of the upper respiratory passages, particularly of the nose." A "catarrh" is simply "inflammation of a mucous membranes anywhere in the body." There is no difference between an acute catarrh of the nose, throat, bronchial tube, lungs, stomach, color, bladder, womb, etc. Instead of such a medley of names as "coryza, tonsillitis, pharnyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, metritis, cystitis," etc., all of these local Inflammations may be called "colds." Fever (a slight rise in body temperature) accompanies all of these toxemic crises. They are all processes of compensatory excretion. So-called "influenza," which is only a severe cold, tonsillitis, diptheria, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, and other so-called "infectious diseases" (the eruptive fevers are intensified by intestinal putrescence) are toxemic crises. Recovery from these so-called "diseases" is recognized as a "cure." As in the cold, the subsidence of acute symptoms simply means that the toxemic saturation, plus, in the case of the eruptive fevers, the putrescent poisoning, have been reduced below the level of established toleration. The symptoms simply cease when the blood has been relieved of its toxic load. If the enervating cause is continued after the cold, the tonsillitis, the scarlet fever, etc., has ended, toxin accumulation is resumed and continues and soon another crisis develops. In no sense of the word can the patient be said to have been "restored to health!" He is still toxemic; he is still enervated; toxin accumulation is still going on; the enervating mode of living is still being carried out. He
I: "How Can I GetWell & StayWell via Hygienic Care?" 2