Victoria's Answers
"How to GetWell & StayWell Articles" from Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Reviews The Hygienic Careof CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE& Your Marvelous Heart!By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton & Edited by Victoria
"cardio" = "heart" & "vascul" = "vessels" & "ar" = "adjective" "cardiovascular disease" = "disease of the heart & circulatory vessels" "Cardiovascular disease" is a general term that refers to any of the heart and/or venous or arterial vessels, including the following: may include high blood pressure, cardiac arrest, stroke, arteriosclerosos, atherosclerosis, congenital heart failure, and many other pathologies. Even in The 21st Century, cardiovascular disease is still... "America's #1 Killer Disease!" |
THE MARVELOUS HEART continued - dark side" manifests; situations that evoke "dark side emotions," such as domestic infelicity, loss of job, loss of a loved one; and situations that bring on despair or hopelessness or panic attack or some such tremendous, emotional out pour all at once. Some people experience pain in the heart region, diagnose their own condition as heart disease and go through life fearful of their heart disease. Pain in the region of the heart rarely means "heart disease." More often than otherwise, it is due to gas pressure, or gastric Irritation. Sometimes it is neurologic or neuritic pain, or so-called "rheumatic pain." Sometimes, it is "referred pain" from some other area of the body and not "heart pain," per se, at all. Next to drugs, fear and/or acting out excessive emotionalism for any reasons are the greatest enemies of The Cardiovascular Sufferer. It is observable to the untrained layman that the rise and fall of the pulse rate is in rhythm and timed with the rise and fall of emotional undulations; but it is folly to say, from this, that the heart is a target of human emotions, as the psychologists are fond of saying. None of our organs are targets for our emotions. Emotions do not cause disease. They expend Nerve Energy, thus producing Enervation. Emotions are, it should be said, "among The Remote Causes of Disease." (Remember, Toxemia is "The Basic Cause of Disease.") Emotionalism is a tremendous Energy Robber; its occurrence leaves a tremendous amount of Endogenous Toxins in the system: both the energy drain and the self-generated toxins lead to Enervation and thus, are "Remote Causes of Disease." They cause Enervation, which results in Toxemia, "The Basic Cause of Disease." Emotional upsets rage, anger, anxiety, worry, fear, pain, hopelessness, helplessness, the entire gamut of negative emotions are often more damaging to diseased hearts than any other Energy Robbing habit there is! Energy Enhancers #9 and #10 Emotional Balance and Nurturing Relationships must be cultivated and maintained. Because moments or periods of emotionalism, so long as they last, do interfere with normal heart functions, their frequent repetition, or their continuance, may render the heart vulnerable, so that it becomes the stressed organ. But bouts and displays of emotionalism also interfere with digestion, bowel action, pancreatic function, the functions of the adrenal and other ductless glands, with breathing, with virtually every metabolic |
pathway and organ system in the body! Emotional excesses may serve to determine the local development of toxemic crises and, ultimately, of organic change down through The Seven Stages of Disease. THE ROLE OF WRONG FOOD CHOICES IN HEART DISEASE Another common source of poisoning is gastro-intestinal decomposition. Poisoning from indigestion soon perverts the normal desires of the body so that, in a short time, the body seems to demand drunkenness rather than nourishment. Overeating, wrong food choices, eating wrong combinations, eating when fatigued or in discomfort or when emotionally distressed, the use of condiments all help to produce indigestion. Mustard, horseradish, and pepper, all cataclysms to the inside of the stomach, are certainly not conducive to good digestion! Physicians are in the habit of advising Heart Patients to smoke and drink only moderately, not "to excess." Unfortunately, that does not relieve them of the damaging effects of alcohol and nicotine. It only reduces the amount of the effect, and this is not sufficient to make them GetWell. Sometimes, they are advised to eat immoderately; but the meals prescribed by physicians and so-called "dieticians" are too much like the corned beef and cabbage that Jiggs liked so well. They are advised to exercise moderately or to avoid activity altogether. The Heart Patient should certainly eat and exercise moderately, but to put "tobacco and alcohol" in the same category with "food and exercise" is sheer nonsense! AVOID HEART DISEASE! LIVE WITHIN YOUR LIMITATIONS! Yes, Enervation is brought on in many ways in one man from overwork, in another from alcohol, in a third from sensual indulgence, in a fourth from lack of sleep, in a fifth from worry and by many other varieties of mental depression, and in almost everybody from a variety of and complication of enervating causes. We could greatly add to this list of causes, but it is sufficient to emphasize the fact that we live in a world of infinite causes and infinite effects, although amidst all of this diversity, there exists a universal unity. There are a few etiological factors outside the mental and physical habits of man to account for the great number of symptom-complexes described in the nomenclature of the medical profession.
I: "How Can I GetWell & StayWell via Hygienic Care?" 8