"Health for The Millions!"

By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton


Dearest GetWell Friends

"NEW!" is the right word "BRAND NEW AVAILABLE" is precise! While I was taking the year of recovery in The Wilderness of British Columbia, I did not keep up with all the new publications for The Health Seeker. HOW HAPPY WAS I to find that Health for The Millions has been reprinted just recently by The Florida People and for a highly affordable $13.5o postpaid! HOW FABULOUS! Now you will be able to have the book from which I have sent Dr. Shelton's cry, repeatedly, throughout the years! "Health for The Millions not just for the few!" Dr. Shelton cries out to The Suffering People like never before, as reflected in his chosen title.


Health Reports

Victoria Bidwell


Health Seekers' Yearbook

Common Health Sense

God, Health, Country

Victory Wagon


Books & Tapes

Books Descriptions



Vegan, Veggie Books & Tapes

Natural Hygiene Professionals




Energy Enhancers

Healing Scriptures


Weight Loss

Super Blue Green Algae

Victoria's Answers

Case Histories

Home Page

Chapter Titles Follow:

1. Master Drama of Life

2. Nutrition

3. Digestion of Food

4. Absorption of Digested Food

5. Constipation

6. Blood & Lymph

7. Food Becomes Living Structure!

8. Drainage

9. The Master Control of the Body

10. Organs Alive!

11. Man's Skin

12. Unity of the Body

13. Health of Man

14. The Hygiene Way of Life

15. What Is Food?

16. Meet... "The Meat of Man"

17. Objectionable Foods

18. Evils of Condiments

19. Coffee, Tea & Cocoa

20. Alcohol

21. Aristophagy

22. Inadequacies of Modern Diet

23. Cooking

24. Combining Foods

25. How to Eat

26. Indigestion

27. Air & Breathing

28. Temperature

29. The Light of Life

30. Physical Acuity

31. Relaxation & Rest

32. Sleep "Tired Nature's Restorer"

(The phrase is taken from Shakespeare.)

33. Sleep at Noontide

34. Leisure

35. Keeping Clean

36. Men's Mental Character

37. The Sexual Life of Man

38. Tobacco

39. The Joy of Life!

Victoria BidWell
P.O. Box 558
Concrete, Washington, 98237
Phone: (360)-853-7048
E-Mail: victoriabidwell@aol.com

Victoria! YES! YES! YES! Please send me ____ copies of THE NEWLY PUBLISHED, GREAT HYGIENE CLASSIC by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton "HEALTH FOR THE MILIONS!" as described above. My cost is $13.5o for the first copy and $10.oo for each additional copy.

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"What Does GetWell Offer that Dr. Shelton Produced?" · PART II, PAGE

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