"What Does GetWell Offer that Dr. Shelton Produced?"



The Dr. Shelton Works!

A GetWellStayWell Library of All Works by Shelton Presently in Print

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Fasting Can Save Your Life · 195 pages · $11.00. This is the all-time classic on Hygienic fasting. For decades, until Fit for Life I, this Fasting Can Save Your Life, usually picked up at a health food store by Health Seekers, was the #1 book that fell into most people's hands that finally served to turn them in Hygienists! Every Hygienist should have a well-read copy of this book especially to loan out to those in need who will just not listen to him in person but who may be willing to read the all-time authority on fasting in private. Besides serving as a basic introduction to Natural Hygiene and Hygienic fasting, the book establishes the difference between true, Hygienic fasting and so-called "juice fasting" and fruit diets. Particularly useful is the discussion in Fasting Can Save Your Life of the many benefits of fasting and recovery in a wide variety of acute and chronic diseases. It also covers fasting for children and pregnant women.

Food Combining Made Easy · See "The EatWell H StayWell Food Combining Library."

Getting Well · 248 pages · $18.00. A great title Dr. Shelton was always talking about "Getting Well and Staying Well!" In this particular book, Dr. Shelton offers Natural Hygiene as the best hope for true recovery from illness and for lasting health. He defines "A Common Health Sense Approach to Health and Disease." These are some of Dr. Shelton's very best essays. See 4 Books in 1 for the "Table of Contents."

Health for All · 216 pages · $16.00. This great classic presents several essays that dispel numerous medical misconceptions and that expose The Medical Mentality for what it is bunk and brainwashing! Dr. Shelton then offers the Natural Hygiene understanding of both health and disease. His major premise is that Hygiene is not an exclusive system that only works for specific cases of illness but that Hygienic living is applicable to all Health Seekers hence the appropriateness of the title of this classic: "Health for All." See 4 Books in 1 for the "Table of Contents."

The Principles of Natural Hygiene by Dr. Shelton and Essays on The History of Natural Hygiene by selected


authors · 94 pages · $11.00. This book holds "The Basic Teachings" of Doctors Issac Jennings, Trall, Tilden, and of physiologist Sylvester Graham. Essays by 19th century Health Revolutionists include: Dr. James Jackson, Dr. Susanna Dodds, and Dr. Robert Walter. It is interesting to note that most of the contributors were first conventional "Medicine Men" of standing in their time. This book was written for The Health Seeker who is also "a student at heart" and who is, therefore, always intrigued in both the principles and the origins of Natural Hygiene. See 4 Books in 1 for the "Table of Contents."

Human Life Its Philosophy and Laws An Exposition of the Principles and Practices of Orthopathy · 518 pages of 8 & 1/2" x 11" dimensions · a 6 pound package · $55 postpaid. Here you have Dr. Shelton's greatest and most detailed work and most challenging reading of all times. 37 topics are listed in "The Table of Contents": Health Its Conditions and Requirements, The Laws of Life, Living Matter Cures Itself, Is Disease Friend or Foe? Early Orthopathic Ideas of Disease, Acute Disease as a Curative Process, Self-Limited Disease, The Rationale of Inflammation, The Rationale of Fever, Life's Engineering, Physiological Compensation, Life's Strategic Retreat, The Rationale of Crisis, Acute Disease Not a Radical Cure, Unity of Disease and Symptoms, Causes of Disease and Germs and Perversions, The Development of Disease, Feeding, Fasting, Rest and Relaxation and Sleep, Sunshine and Sun Baths, Physical Exercise, The Mind in Health and Disease, The Stimulant Delusion, Conditions of Cure, The Hygiene of Health, The Hygiene of Acute Disease, The Hygiene of Chronic Disease, Care of Wounds, The Place of Art, The Passing of Plagues, Ideas of Suppression, Suppression of Disease and Its Results, The Delusion of Cure, Criticism of the Hypothesis of Therapeutics. The beginning student of Hygiene will perhaps find this awesome book of small print and no graphics difficult reading. But those of you who have mastered the teachings of the easy-to-read Health Seekers' YearBook are now ready to take on the study of Dr. Shelton's mightiest work! You are ready to further your education with the most classic of all classics in Natural Hygiene!

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"What Does GetWell Offer that Dr. Shelton Produced?" · PART II, PAGE 1