440 Pages




The Hygienic System

Volume VI


The Study of Correction of Disease

By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton

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Victoria Bidwell


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Dear GetWell Friends! Dr. Shelton published a 7 - Volume Set entitled "The Hygienic System" throughout the 1930s and 1940s. GetWell offers Volumes I and II, now republished by The Florida People. Volumes III, IV, V, VI, and VII are now available through The GetWellHStayWell, America! Website. Volume VI was published in 1939. It is 440 pages. In Volume VI, Dr. Shelton uses an elegant word: "BIOGONY" to mean "the struggle of life." And he teaches the meaning of "wellness" by showing its flip-side acute and chronic disease and how to reverse these processes. VOLUME VI is a detailed, SHELTONIZED elaboration of DR. TILDEN'S LANDMARK LITTLE BOOK in the hygienic movement TOXEMIA EXPLAINED.

Chapter Titles for Volume VI Follow: INTRODUCTION: What a charmer for those who appreciate the historic roots of Natural Hygiene! We are provided 20 pages of history, starting with the formation of The Graham Association in 1834. Sylvester Graham and Doctors Olcott, Trall, Jackson, Lewis, and Page are pictured.

1. LIVING MATTER CURES ITSELF; 2. THE RATIONALE OF "DISEASES": Recovery without Treatment, Irritation , Pain, Coughing & Sneezing, Vomiting, Fluxes, Accelerated Heart Beat, Convulsions, Prostration, Vital Symptoms Classified, Life Not Passive, What Is "Disease"?, Orthopathy, Normal or Abnormal, Unity of Health & Disease, Vital & Non-Vital Processes, A New Vocabulary Needed, "Biogony" = "The Struggle of Life"; 3. THE RATIONALE OF FEVER; 4. THE RATIONALE OF INFLAMMATION; 5. THE RATIONALE OF CRISES; 6. SELF-LIMITED DISEASES; 7. BIOGONY NOT A RADICAL CURE; 8. THE COURSE OF BIOGONY; 9. PROGNOSIS; 10. UNITY OF DISEASES & SYMPTOMS; 11. THE EVOLUTION OF PATHOLOGY; 12. THE CAUSES OF PATHOLOGY: Enervation, Impairment of Organic Function, Toxemia, Intestinal Toxemia, Chemical Toxemia, Toxic Developments, Heredity, Diathesis, Animal & Vegetable Parasites, Germs, Infection, Epidemics, Resistance & Immunity; 13. THE CAUSES OF ENERVATION: Sensory Excesses, Mental & Emotional Causes, Excesses, Poison Habits, Deficiencies, Insufficient Rest & Sleep, Climate, Social & Economic Causes, Perversions; 14. THE CONDITIONS OF RECOVERY; 15. RESULTS OF SUPPRESSION OF BIOGONY

"The disciples of Natural Hygiene strive to deserve the blessings that the dupes of the drug-mongers attempt to buy across the counter; instead of changing their hospital or their course of medication, the Hygienists will change their habits; and their loss of faith in a few popular superstitions will be compensated by an abundant gain in health." Dr. Felix Oswald, Early 19th Century.



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"What Does GetWell Offer that Dr. Shelton Produced?" · PART II, PAGE 5